Category: Academic Papers
08. Aug 2024
Use of Portable NIR Technology for Drug analysis in Australia
The challenge of efficiently and accurately analyzing illicit drugs remains significant in Australia due to the high volume of drugs trafficked within the country. A recent study explores the potential of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with machine learning.1 Hence, by using NIRLAB’s solution to provide rapid and accurate drug identification

10. May 2024
Revolutionizing Forensic Analysis with Ultra-Portable NIR Technology
In the fast-paced world of forensic science, the quest for rapid and reliable drug testing solutions has led to significant innovations. One such breakthrough, outlined in a detailed study “Providing illicit drugs results in five seconds using ultra-portable NIR technology: An opportunity for forensic laboratories to cope with the trend

08. May 2024
How Portable NIR Technology is Revolutionizing Forensic Cannabis Analysis
In the swiftly evolving field of forensic science, the demand for portable and efficient solutions has grown exponentially, particularly in the realm of drug analysis. Recent advancements, such as the integration of handheld devices like NIRLAB’s NIRLight with cloud-based systems, are marking a transformative era in real-time forensic applications. Portable

03. May 2024
The Impact of Portable NIR Devices in Forensic Drug Analysis
Facing the problem of backlogs in forensic laboratories, the field of illicit drugs analyses has recently seen the development of different types of portable devices. Their main purpose is to be used directly by the police in order to reduce the number of specimens that are sent to the laboratories.